Posted by alderinordell / Mar - 30 - 2023 / Health Advice / Comments Off on How Your Tap Water is Making You Sick

Your Water Filter Isn’t Enough According to a survey conducted by the Water Quality Association in 2019, approximately 77% of American households use some form of water treatment or filtration, including filtering their tap water. But the most common form of water filtration is activated carbon, which is ineffective in removing the most dangerous contaminants. Which Water Category Do You Fall In? When it comes to drinking water, most Americans

Posted by alderinordell / Mar - 20 - 2023 / Health Advice / Comments Off on How Heavy Metals in Drinking Water and Corrupt Officials Poisoned Residents in Flint, Michigan

What is a Heavy Metal? The technical definition of a heavy metal is a metallic element that’s dense. These elements include lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, chromium, nickel, and more. All of these heavy metals occur naturally and get introduced into our drinking water through processes such as volcanic explosions and the erosion of rocks. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) sets national standards for drinking water quality and establishes maximum

Posted by alderinordell / Mar - 14 - 2023 / Health Advice / Comments Off on The Dangers of PCBs and PFAs in Our Drinking Water: Developmental Delays, Immune System Suppression, Hormone Disruption…

  A major group of industrial water contaminants are known as PCBs. PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are a group of chemicals that were widely used in industrial and commercial applications until they were banned in the 1970s due to concerns about their toxic effects on human health and the environment. That was back when the EPA still had some teeth! PCBs were popular because they were slick, durable, and heat

Posted by alderinordell / Mar - 6 - 2023 / Health Advice / Comments Off on Monsanto: How Common Weedkillers Poisoned Our Drinking Water, Killed Humans, and Destroyed Ecosystems

Earlier this year, we wrote about the $698 million dollar judgment against Monsanto for poisoning Oregon water with glyphosate. This article got a strong response from many of our customers so we did some more digging. Here is what we found: The Deadly Legacy of Monsanto Monsanto, now owned by Bayer AG, manufactures a chemical called glyphosate, which is a broad-spectrum herbicide that many people and businesses use to control

Spring Sale! Save 20%

Spring Sale!  Save 20%

Save 20% on NEW water ionizers during our Spring Sale! Use code Spring20.

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.

Partner Your Business with Us!

Partner Your Business with Us!

Generous wholesale discounts and drop-shipping available. If you run a health-centered or water-centered business, we want you! Please send us an email that introduces your business to info@waterforlifeusa.com or call us at 877-255-3713.

Free pH Solutions Chart

undersink water ionizer

Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.

Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

Payment Plans Available

Payment Plans Available

We offer in-house payment plans. They require a 50% down payment and the rest is paid in three monthly installments. Call 877-255-3713 for more information.

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Apple Pay Now Available!

Water for Life USA now has Apple Pay available for all purchases. Order with confidence using Apple Pay!

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"Since I haven't been to a doctor in a good while, I decided to go and visit him. I was down 37
pounds and my blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature were well within range. He
told me the last time I went to see him to get bl...

Manny Wallace

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