Alkaline Antioxidant Water Benefits

Alkaline Antioxidant Water Benefits Revealed


Alkaline Antioxidant Water BenefitsThe human body is a water processing machine. Every second we are alive, our body has to process water so that countless bodily functions can continue operating normally. Alkaline antioxidant water benefits every single one of these functions.

Using the analogy of the body as a finely tuned racing car and water as its fuel, we should appreciate the importance of consuming the best type of water to remain in top health. Putting the wrong fuel in a car will lead to it breaking down.

But one of the major alkaline antioxidant water benefits is fuelling the body with a super fuel. A drinking water that will boost human health and vitality dramatically. And we can receive this special liquid straight from our faucet via a water ionizer machine.

Why We Need Alkaline Antioxidant Water Benefits

To attain optimal health and vitality, our body has to have the right pH balance. The optimal pH is a slightly alkaline 7.2 for humans, and when the body is unable to maintain pH balance, there is a danger that the body will become overly acidic. If we’re overly acidic, acids accumulate inside of us, causing illness. In the modern day and age, people have a tendency towards acidosis caused by highly acidic beverages like soda, coca cola and processed/fast foods, as well as environmental toxins and stress.

The modern lifestyle means it is a battle to keep our acid level down. But if we make everything we drink alkaline, the benefits to a person’s health will be dramatic as we help restore our natural pH balance and state.

Oxidative Stress

Something that our body also needs are antioxidants. A major reason why alkaline antioxidant water benefits our health so much is because it allows us to feed our body with a substance that reduces oxidative stress on cells. Or more plainly speaking: cell damage which leads to both premature aging and disease. This is caused by free radicals that are produced inside all of us.

Ionizer machines produce water that has a high redox potential, or ORP (Oxidation reduction potential). Another name for ionized water is ‘reduced’ water and it is called as such because it has a high reduction potential (ionizers also produce oxidized water that has a high oxidation potential). You do not get this reduction potential from water that is simply alkaline, you only get it from water that has been ionized.

So what is the connection? ORP helps fight oxidative stress because it is applied to a water which has the ability to readily donate its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and water which can block the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules. Oddball oxygen radicals is another term for free radicals, the incredibly damaging molecules that cause oxidative stress. So we need more antioxidants, or water with high ORP, to prevent aging and serious disease over our lifetime.

But there are many more alkaline antioxidant water benefits.

Weight Loss

Alkaline Antioxidant Water BenefitsObesity is one of the main causes of death in the Western world so it is good news that alkaline antioxidant water can help those of us on a diet. A lot of people eat when in fact their body is telling them they are thirsty. Ionized water helps with this because it is super hydrating, and has the ability to fully nourish our cells and stop them demanding more water which the brain mistakes for hunger.

Healthier Skin

Many beauty experts claim that drinking lots of water is good for your complexion and they are right; water naturally makes the skin more moist and supple, which equals less wrinkles. Because ionized water is especially hydrating, it helps flush toxins out of our cells more easily. And that includes toxins in our skin that can lead to spots and acne.

Improved Mental Capacity

Believe it or not, the human brain is made-up of around 85% water, so you need to keep it hydrated with the stuff so that your mental capacity is not inhibited. Alkaline antioxidant water benefits our brain function by improving our energy levels and this has a particularly good effect on your math skills.

To your health,

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