Alkaline Drinking Water

Why Alkaline Drinking Water is Essential for Your Health

Alkaline Drinking WaterMore and more studies are revealing how essential the pH of the human body is to our health. We know that the body needs to be slightly alkaline to be at its healthiest – our cells, the chemical reactions inside them, the immune system, and beneficial bacteria in our gut all function better in a slightly alkaline environment.

When we have an acid body our systems do not work as efficiently as they should and that can have serious implications on our well-being. An important step we can take to guard against this is to introduce alkaline drinking water to our diet. And when this is so essential to our health, we need to feed the body the best alkaline drinking water from a water ionizer machine. The impact ionized water will have on the biochemical processes going on inside of us will really help fight against the dangers of an acid body.

Alkaline Drinking Water and the Immune System

The functioning of our immune system is one of the most important indicators of our general health and vitality. The immune system of an individual is linked to their gut, as in our gut we have lots of strains of beneficial bacteria. It is common knowledge that these bacteria process foods but they also release essential vitamins, natural compounds and even a cancer killing chemical, sodium butyrate.

Less known is the fact that the bacteria in our gut also direct up to 85% of the immune system. Their presence causes an immune response, and many experts now believe your immune memory stems from the bacteria in your gut.

What we also now know is that these bacteria thrive at a certain pH, which is finely balanced. An acidic diet (too much soda, alcohol, dairy products) places too many acidic foods in our gut and this seriously inhibits the functions of these good bacteria and thus negatively effects your immune system. To protect from general poor health and vitality caused by an inhibited immune system, we need to feed these bacteria with alkaline foods, and alkaline drinking water is the perfect vessel to restore pH balance to our guts. Ionized alkaline water from an ionizer machine is the best alkaline water for this purpose as ionizers let you choose the alkalinity setting of the water they produce. Depending on how acidic your diet is, these machines allow you to tailor the level of alkalinity you want in your water.

Alkaline Drinking Water and Cell Health

Alkaline Drinking WaterAn acid body caused by poor diet and lack of exercise also has a massively negative effect on your body cells. The body cells of a healthy, pH balanced person function by using potassium as an energy source. They thrive on the stuff. And we need them to be functioning at their peak so that they can produce more energy and use less oxygen.

But when there is too much acidity in our system, such as in the case of an individual with an acid body, our cells begin to use sodium rather than potassium as an energy source. This leads to unhealthy, inefficient cells using more oxygen than is normal and producing less energy at the same time. What’s worse is that unhealthy cells also contribute directly to the acid problem themselves by producing sodium salts which are more acid than the potassium salts they normally produce. This makes matters worse as the cell becomes more acid and a downward spiral sets in – the cell uses even less oxygen, makes even less energy and so on.

It is essential to stop this spiral of harm by introducing more alkalinity into the body and to our cells. Ionized water from an ionizer machine is the best alkaline drinking water for its restorative effect on cells because it is super hydrating. As well as having the potential to restore pH balance, ionizer water is micro-clustered, which means it more easily penetrates cell walls, leading to better cell health and energy production.

Alkaline Drinking Water Is Only One Step

In order for alkaline drinking water to have the most positive alkalizing effect on your health, it is essential that it is supplemented with other steps to reduce acidity. Lack of exercise is a large contributor to an acid body, so any concerted effort to alkalize your body will be greatly impeded without supplementing it with regular cardio exercise. Alkaline drinking water should also be combined with foods rich in alkalinity, which will contribute to a wholesale change in your diet and long-term health.

To your health,

alkaline water filters

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