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Home / Blog-2 / Bottled Water / Bottled Ionized Water? Don’t Waste Your Money!
We have recently noticed a couple of other companies releasing so-called bottled ionized water. The latest addition comes from 7-Eleven stores under their 7 Select brand. They call it “ionized hydration.” It joins a list of other bottled ionized waters like Essentia, Talking Rain, and Qure water, and none of them are worth your money!
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ToggleBottled ionized waters have a hefty price markup. They are more expensive than other bottled water brands like Aquafina or Dasani. A bottle of Essentia typically runs you about $2.50. We saw the ionized hydration bottles at 7-Eleven for two for four dollars. Considering these bottles are only 32 ounces, that is a very hefty price for water! Almost seven cents an ounce! But is it worth it?
Here are three reasons why the answer is NO!
When we tested these bottled ionized waters, they tested alkaline, about a 9.5 pH as advertised. They did not, however, test as ionized. Ionized water has what’s called a negative ORP. This is a measurement of the oxygen reduction potential of the water, a fancy way of saying antioxidants. The free radicals that bounce around our cells and damage them are unstable oxygen molecules. means you need an antioxidant with an extra ion to give to these unstable oxygen molecules to stabilize them and revert them to oxygen that your body can use. These bottled waters may be alkaline, but none of them had a negative ORP, which means they didn’t have antioxidants.
It doesn’t say anywhere on these bottled ionized water labels that they were ionized by water electrolysis. Water electrolysis is the tried and true method for creating a powerful negative ORP in your water. In fact, the 7 Select Water says that it uses a three-stage process to ionize the water. This doesn’t make any sense. If you use water electrolysis, it is a one-stage process, and the water will be made both alkaline and full of antioxidants. When they say they are using a three-stage process, it sounds like they are simply running purified water over alkaline minerals.
Are alkaline minerals good for your health? Yes.
Are they antioxidants? No!
Making water alkaline by adding alkaline minerals is not ionization. The fact that neither of these waters has any negative ORP strongly suggests that they were never ionized with water electrolysis. Alternatively, they were electrolyzed, but all the antioxidants fizzed out by the time we tested them. In our experience, antioxidants fizzle out in about twenty-four to seventy-two hours. You can make the antioxidants in the ionized water last longer if you store it in a dark container in a cool environment. All of the bottled ionized waters that we tested had clear plastic and were stored at room temperature.
Soft plastic bottles are known to leech BPA and BPB into your drinking water which has been linked to cancer. They are also a massive problem for our environment. Americans use around 50 billion single-serve plastic water bottles a year! That’s enough water bottles to wrap around the Earth five times!
Worldwide, 8.3 metric tons of plastic are used to make plastic bottles a year! 79% of previous bottles produced are still in our landfills. 14 million tons of plastic bottles have ended up in our oceans, causing major problems for sea life.
In summary, you should avoid buying bottled ionized water. It’s too expensive. It doesn’t have any antioxidants in it. The bottles can leach chemicals into your body. And plastic bottles are a big problem for the environment.
Did you know that ionized water from one of our water ionizers only costs two cents a liter? Compare that to the $2.50 a bottle for bottled ionized water! You can see that the best value and healthiest water comes from the ionized water produced by our water ionizers. And you can store it in your own polycarbonate bottle that will last a lifetime!
Also, our water ionizers use 16 stages of filtration to produce pure alkaline ionized water that doesn’t have any dangerous chemicals in it. So, skip bottled ionized water. The ionized alkaline water from our premium water ionizers is the best choice for you and your family.
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Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.
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Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.
Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.
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