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Home / Alkaline and Acid Water Uses
Preserve Beautiful Blooms All Season Long Spring has sprung and flowers are in bloom everywhere. Did you know that flowers love acidic ionized water? It’s true. Whether you water them in your garden or cut them and put them in a vase, your flowers will be happier with acidic ionized water. Plants LOVE Acidic Water Flowers, like all other plants, have the opposite biology as animals. While animals breathe in
How Does a Water Ionizer Create Alkaline Water? If you search for alkaline water on the internet you will find many products for sale claiming to make your water more alkaline. But what is the alkalinity of water and why is it important? And how does a water ionizer make water alkaline and why? Alkalinity Comes from Many Sources This may surprise many of you, but the alkalinity of water
Preventing Swimmer’s Ear is Worth Your Time After going through a nasty bout of swimmer’s ear with my son, I thought it would be helpful to pass on some information that I have learned about it. Swimmer’s ear can be quite painful and lead to nights of not sleeping plus bleeding and ugly discharge. So it’s best to keep on top of swimmer’s ear and treat it as soon as
With rivers and lakes drying up all around the world and water in short supply, water preservation has become increasingly important. Water electrolysis inside our water ionizer splits the water into alkaline and acid qualities. When you select one pH, the opposite pH is sent down the drain line. That doesn’t mean you need to waste the water going down the drain line. That water can still be used and
Your Spring Garden and Ionized Water Your EOS water ionizer can be a big help to your vegetable garden, your flowers, and your house plants this spring. Your garden and ionized water are a perfect match, and it all started with research conducted by the Russians. Bugs Hate Strong Acidic Ionized Water Now’s the time to start planting your garden and acidic ionized water should be at the ready. 65
What is Acidic Water? Many people don’t know that water can be different pH’s. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. 0 is the most acidic water and 14 is the most alkaline water. You don’t want to drink acidic water because it is oxidizing to whatever it comes in contact with, meaning it will damage it. But most of bottled water and tap water is, in fact, acidic,
How to Protect Yourself from Dangerous Tap Water Pollutants Most Americans use tap water for many of their daily needs. It’s hard for us to believe that the water from our faucet can be dangerous to our health. However, there are dangerous tap water pollutants that threaten our health and may make you think twice next time you take a shower or get a glass of tap water to drink. The Tap Water
Drinking Alkaline Water in Your Home Which water should you and your family drink? Alkaline? Neutral? Bottled? Tap? Reverse osmosis? Distilled? Most people think that all water is about the same with the only real difference being their level of contamination. Not so. Clean water is important but so are trace minerals, oxygen, antioxidants, and alkalinity. Learn how drinking alkaline water will enhance your health. The best water comes from
Are There Any Alkaline Water Benefits? Are there any alkaline water benefits? Yes and no. That may come as a surprise to you considering that alkaline water has been marketed as a cure for the disease, lowers blood pressure, fights cancer, etc. These claims are wrong. At least they are only half-right. It takes one more very important aspect to water in order for it to be super-healthy and that’s
Use alkaline, ionized water from an EOS water ionizer in your kitchen. Not only can you drink the healthy alkaline water, it has many other uses as well. The best drinking water is a moderate 9.5 pH. But an EOS water ionizer can do so much more. If you set your EOS water ionizer to the 11 pH level, you can significantly improve the quality of the food you cook
Save 20% on NEW water ionizers during our Spring Sale! Use code Spring20.
Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.
Generous wholesale discounts and drop-shipping available. If you run a health-centered or water-centered business, we want you! Please send us an email that introduces your business to info@waterforlifeusa.com or call us at 877-255-3713.
Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.
Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.
We offer in-house payment plans. They require a 50% down payment and the rest is paid in three monthly installments. Call 877-255-3713 for more information.
Water for Life USA now has Apple Pay available for all purchases. Order with confidence using Apple Pay!
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