Posted by alderinordell / Feb - 9 - 2015 / Bottled Water, Ionized Water / Comments Off on healthy bottled water?

The Real Healthy Bottled Water Facts #healthybootledwater Nothing could be healthier and better for your health than bottled water, surely? The countless healthy bottled water brands out there contain water that is better to drink than tap water, right? Wrong! The truth behind so many so-called healthy bottled water drinks will come as a shock to many. This is because any investigation into the contents of these bottled beverages is likely to reveal

Posted by alderinordell / Dec - 18 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on Alkaline Bottled Water

Why You Should Worry About Alkaline Bottled Water When you take crystal clear water, stick it in a bottle, label it with terms like ‘healthy’, ‘pure’ and ‘alkaline’, and then place it strategically on store shelves, you have something that immediately appears like it would be beneficial to health and vitality. Especially when you have these bottled water products juxtaposed with stuff that we immediately associate with being unhealthy; like

Posted by alderinordell / Nov - 14 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on A word of caution on alkaline bottled water

Why You Should be Wary of Alkaline Bottled Water According to data from 2013, the world spends $100 billion per year on bottled water. That’s a huge amount of money, and most of it is no doubt spent on the traditional water brands. What’s inside these popular bottles is usually just simple tap water which has been ‘purified’ and bottled up to look more attractive and sold in mass quantity.

Posted by alderinordell / Nov - 7 - 2014 / Bottled Water, Health Advice / Comments Off on Secret of the Distilled Water Brands

What the Distilled Water Brands Don’t Want You to Know More and more of us are rightly wising up to the fact that drinking unfiltered tap water on a daily basis can be hazardous to our health. When tap water is swimming with anything from parasites, fluoride, chlorine and dioxins, there seems to be a sea-change (excuse the pun) in drinking habits as more of us seek healthier alternatives. And

Posted by alderinordell / Aug - 19 - 2014 / Bottled Water / 2 Comments

Alkaline Water Drops: Expensive, Ineffective, Unproven… Are you considering alkaline water drops to improve your water and make yourself healthier? You may be surprised to learn that, despite marketing claims, they aren’t very effective. Here are the top 3 reasons to not buy alkaline water drops. 1) Most tap water is already alkaline, you don’t need Alkaline water drops. If you live in the mountains, or Arizona, Southern California, Florida,

Posted by alderinordell / Aug - 18 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on Buy Distilled Water

Should I Buy Distilled Water and Drink it? If you’re looking to buy distilled water, I sincerely hope it is because you are scientist and need pure water to clean your lab instruments. Because if you’re not a scientist and just want to drink distilled water, don’t do it! It’s very acidic and will over time will make you sick. Distilled water and reverse osmosis water was created so it

Posted by alderinordell / May - 22 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on Diamond Water Price

Inflated Diamond Water Price? #diamondwaterprice If you’re considering purchasing Diamond water, you’re probably curious about the Diamond Water price. It’s nearly $3 a liter! Before you spend so much on bottled alkaline water, consider your alternatives. Diamond Water is described as a 9.5 pH alkaline water infused with “love energy” through an “ancient ritual” involving diamonds. Asa Soltan Rahmati, star of Bravo’s Sahs of Sunset, is the creator. She is

Posted by alderinordell / May - 22 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on Diamond Water

Intrigued by Diamond Water? It may be the healthiest water ever bottled. But you may want to consider some facts before you spend nearly $3 a liter. Asa Soltan Rahmati is the creator of Diamond Water. She describes it as a 9.5 pH water that has been infused with “Love Energy” through an “ancient ritual” involving diamonds. She is one of the stars of Bravo’s Sahs of Sunset, a proponent

Posted by alderinordell / May - 3 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on The “Pure Water” Marketing Scam

Purified water has become a big buzzword in marketing.  Companies tout water’s purity as a way of saying it’s better water.  Terms like “zero water” have been born to entice consumers to buy certain brands.  But what is it exactly is pure water and should we drink it? Don’t Drink Pure Water Pure water, unfortunately, is water that has been stripped of everything using aggressive filtration methods like reverse osmosis

Posted by alderinordell / May - 1 - 2014 / Bottled Water / Comments Off on Dangers of Plastic Water Bottles

Dangers of Plastic Water Bottles Plastic is considered to be one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century. It has been widely used in the United States since 1976. However, not all plastics are safe. Plastic water containers protect us against water-borne diseases. But plastics may contain some chemicals that are really dangerous to human health. Plastics also pose serious threats to the environment we live in. Chemicals in

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Spring Sale!  Save 20%

Save 20% on NEW water ionizers during our Spring Sale! Use code Spring20.

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.

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Free pH Solutions Chart

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Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.

Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

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We offer in-house payment plans. They require a 50% down payment and the rest is paid in three monthly installments. Call 877-255-3713 for more information.

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told me the last time I went to see him to get bl...

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