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Processed Food is Contaminated We talk a lot about all of the contaminants in our drinking water. But much of our food is also contaminated, especially processed foods. Some of the contamination comes from the chemicals used in the factories that process food. However, the most significant contamination comes from the water used to wash and prepare foods. The result is that many foods we eat are hazardous to our
Our Health is Not Their Top Priority In many of our previous blog posts, we have discussed the need to upgrade America’s water treatment facilities, which are decades behind where they should be. As it stands now, most water utility companies are terrible at removing many hazardous contaminants like microplastics, industrial chemicals, hormones, heavy metals, and more. These contaminants are increasing in concentration and are linked to cancer, heart disease,
Not All Food is Created the Same Most of us know that we need to eat well, but some foods are more nutritious than others. If you want to get healthy, here are some superfoods to orient your diet around. Berries are Kissed by the Sun and Full of Antioxidants Berries, besides tasting great, are wonderful for our bodies. They are high in fiber, which helps our digestion. But more
Radioactive Contaminants Threaten Our Health When you think of radioactive contaminants, you might imagine Homer Simpson sleeping at his power plant workstation while a critical leak occurs. Unfortunately, that image might not be too far off from reality! First, radioactive contaminants are substances that contain unstable isotopes that emit radiation. Some radioactive contaminants, such as radon gas, occur naturally in the environment and are not a huge threat to
Ionized Alkaline Water for Better Health It’s spring again, and many of us are out playing sports. Sometimes, that means getting injured (especially as we get older). I personally have twisted my ankle twice while playing tennis. I’ve also sprained my knee playing football and tore my Achilles while playing softball. It may not seem obvious, but drinking ionized alkaline water is critical to getting healthy again and back on
Meat Expansion Grants that Americans Didn’t Approve The animal agriculture lobby is powerful in this country. Over the last few years, one of its accomplishments has been creating federal grants for the expansion of meat production. However, these meat factories have a track record of heavily polluting our soil and water, leading to hundreds of thousands of Americans getting sick and even dying from exposure to nitrates, detergents, PFAs, antibiotics,
Dangerous Drinking Water Near Military Bases When most people think of PFAs, they think of Dupont and other industries dumping their chemicals into their drinking water. But most of us don’t think of the military. Water tests have been done on 867 private wells near military bases near Seattle, Washington. Guess what? They test positive for excessively high levels of PFAs, endangering the nearby residents. PFAs are a Widespread Problem
Anticonvulsants and Mood Stabilizers are Dangerous Emerging Contaminants Continuing our series on emerging contaminants in our drinking water, we arrive at anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers. Like sex hormones, the amount of anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers are rapidly increasing, especially in US cities, leading to negative side effects like thyroid problems and weight gain. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to invest in a multi-stage water filtration
Warm Water, Sunlight, and Nutrients Create Algal Blooms An algal bloom refers to rapid and excessive algae growth in our lakes, rivers, or oceans. Algal blooms can occur naturally, but they are often fueled by environmental factors that promote growth like warm temperatures, sunlight, still water conditions, and abundant nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. During an algal bloom, the water turns green, red, brown, or blue-green. The water has a
We often hear the term industrial in the news and on our social media feeds, but what does it mean in terms of our drinking water? Definition of Industrial Pollutants Industrial refers to producing things we buy through large-scale manufacturing and commercial operations. Besides making goods, industrial can also refer to mining, construction, and even transportation. The critical factor is that these processes involve big machinery, computers that control that
Save 20% on NEW water ionizers during our Spring Sale! Use code Spring20.
Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.
Generous wholesale discounts and drop-shipping available. If you run a health-centered or water-centered business, we want you! Please send us an email that introduces your business to info@waterforlifeusa.com or call us at 877-255-3713.
Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.
Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.
We offer in-house payment plans. They require a 50% down payment and the rest is paid in three monthly installments. Call 877-255-3713 for more information.
Water for Life USA now has Apple Pay available for all purchases. Order with confidence using Apple Pay!
"Since I haven't been to a doctor in a good while, I decided to go and visit him. I was down 37
pounds and my blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature were well within range. He
told me the last time I went to see him to get bl...