Diamond Water Price

Inflated Diamond Water Price?

If you’re considering purchasing Diamond water, you’re probably curious about the Diamond Water price. It’s nearly $3 a liter! Before you spend so much on bottled alkaline water, consider your alternatives. Diamond Water is described as a 9.5 pH alkaline water infused with “love energy” through an “ancient ritual” involving diamonds. Asa Soltan Rahmati, star of Bravo’s Sahs of Sunset, is the creator. She is an advocate of living an alkaline lifestyle and she has degrees in philosophy and psychology.

But don’t be fooled into thinking Diamond Water has diamond dust in it! It’s marketed as Diamond Water because they are referencing Asa’s diamond ritual using diamond energy. On the Diamond Water website, Asa describes this diamond energy as “the highest spiritual vibration that brings balance to your soul.”
Besides the diamond energy, Diamond Water is alkaline, with a 9.5 pH. This is good because many renowned scientists consider a 9.5 pH to be the perfect pH for drinking water. In glacial streams, longevity springs, and the popular Fountain of Youth in Lourdes, France, the waters there are all a 9.5 pH. So what’s the benefit to this natural alkaline water? People who drink water from these sources have less disease, longer lifespans, and are happier and healthier than the general world population.
According to the Diamond Water website, alkaline water will, “help prevent disease, neutralize the acid in your bloodstream, and boost your metabolism. “

However, when the studies were done on glacial streams, longevity springs, and the Fountain of Youth, there was one other VERY important characteristic to the water – NEGATIVE ORP, which refers to the “oxygen reduction potential” of the water. It is a measurement of water’s antioxidant level. Water with a strong negative ORP has an abundance of ions to GIVE to your body. When you drink this water, it gives those ions to unstable oxygen molecules in your cells called free radicals. The free radical receives the extra ion, stabilizes, and becomes oxygen that our body absorbs as ENERGY. So you feel great!
Amazing, huh?

The Problems with Diamond Water Besides the Diamond Water Price

Diamond Water does not claim to have a strong negative ORP. It is not marketed as antioxidant water. I searched the Diamond Water website and found no mention about the process that they use to make the water alkaline.

You can raise water’s pH in many ways and make it alkaline. One way is to infuse water with alkaline minerals like calcium and potassium. Another way is to add baking soda. A third way is to expose it to far-infrared radiation that is natural to tourmaline and magnesium and other minerals. But the best way to make water alkaline is to use water electrolysis from a modern water ionizer. Water electrolysis mimics the sun and raises pH naturally.

We have no way of knowing about the antioxidant level of Diamond Water. That’s something I would want to know considering the Diamond Water price of nearly $3 a liter.

I am also considered the spiritual aspect of Diamond Water. Yes, diamonds do have an energy field. But can this energy field change the molecular properties of water to your benefit? If so, how many diamonds would it take to change the thousands and thousands of gallons of Diamond Water that are bottled and shipped? I think it is up to you to decide whether you believe this is possible. If it seems a little shady to you, there is an alternative – water ionizers.

Water ionizers recreate the most natural water in the world by first filtering the water to 99.99%+ purity using multi-stage filtration systems. These filtration systems include activated carbon, ceramic, felt, and even ion resin exchange for fluoride and heavy metal removal. This highly filtered water is then processed by platinum-titanium plates that electrolyze the water just like the sun. And it works! This ionized, alkaline water is produced at a perfect 9.5 pH and has a strong negative ORP, which means it’s full of antioxidants. Water ionizers can also create many other pH levels that are very useful for cooking and cleaning.

Water electrolysis or ionization was invented over forty years ago. Japanese researchers, in particular, have documented the numerous health benefits including shorter recovery times at hospitals, improved diabetes, improved blood pressure, improved digestion, and so much more.

Diamond Water Price is Important

If you’re still considering that “Diamond Water price” of nearly $3 a liter, here’s one more important point. The average cost per liter of water made by a water ionizer is only $.0164. That’s less than two cents a liter! Considering that you have to consume an average of eight ounces of water every hour to keep hydrated, how much are you willing to spend on your drinking water?



What is diamond water?

Diamond Water is alkaline bottled water that is supposedly infused with diamond energy. Diamond Water LLC claims that a filtering membrane made with real diamonds gives the diamond water its diamond energy. The water passes over these diamonds, and somehow the diamond energy is transferred into the water. Diamond Water is bottled in the Los Angeles area.

What is diamond water good for?

Diamond water is filtered and made alkaline by alkaline minerals. The high alkalinity of the water can be good to reduce excess acid waste in the body. However, Amazon’s Diamond Water for sale only has a 3.5 average review, so customers aren’t that impressed by it.

What is the price of diamond water?

As of June 2023, we could not find Diamond Water for sale. There is a listing on Amazon, but the price has been removed, and there’s no way to order it. There are also no other offers from other sellers.

Can a pregnant woman drink Diamond Water?

Purified alkaline water is certainly safe for a pregnant woman to drink. However, when Diamond Water says that it is infused with diamond energy, it certainly raises a big question about what that means. Is this diamond energy safe for a pregnant woman to drink? Who knows?

Is diamond water alkaline?

Yes, diamond water is purified water made alkaline by adding alkaline minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

What are the ingredients in diamond water?

Diamond Water is sourced in the greater Los Angeles area and bottled there. It is purified water infused with minerals and diamond energy, if that’s even possible.

Who makes Diamond Water?

Diamond Water is made by a company called Diamond Water LLC. They are based in Los Angeles.

What is the diamond-water paradox?

This is an economic question. It’s centered upon the question of what’s more valuable, water or diamonds? Water is essential to life, so most would agree that it is the most valuable. However, some might argue that diamonds are more valuable because of their rarity and usefulness in high-end electronics.


To your health!

diamond water price
diamond water healthy

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