Drinking Ionized Water with Alcohol for a Better New Year

Drinking Ionized Water with Alcohol

It is in our traditions to partake in a little of the bubbly on New Years Eve. Or sometimes it’s not bubbly, sometimes it’s fruity or stout or a combination. But the one thing it all has in common is alcohol, and that can be a problem and a rough way to start off the new year.

As you well know, alcohol is a depressant of your nervous system and tends to throw things off making you dizzy, impairing your depth perception (please don’t drive), and impairing your judgement (keep a sober friend around). And it also can leave you feeling sick the next day as your body processes the alcohol and other toxins from your drink out.

Neutralizing Alcohol Poisoning

AlcoholicDrinksThe good news is that drinking ionized water with alcohol can help with all of the negative symptoms associated with alcohol. First, you should use ionized water when preparing your drinks. If you are making your drink on the rocks, the first thing you can do is replace those rocks with alkaline ionized water ice cubes. If you are mixing your drink like with fruit juice, add in some alkaline ionized water. If you are blending your drink, use alkaline ionized water ice. You should also keep a glass of alkaline ionized water close to you all night so that you can drink it while you are also drinking alcohol.

The alkaline ionized water will neutralize some of the acidity in your drink and help flush away some of the toxins, which makes it easier on your body to digest. The ionized water, with its powerful antioxidants, will also help your body process the alcohol and other toxins out of your body. Alkaline, ionized water is also three times more concentrated than tap or bottled water, so it will keep you hydrated. Drinking alcohol will make you dehydrated, which worsens the symptoms associated with drinking it.

The antioxidants in alkaline ionized water are also key to helping you not suffer a nasty hang over. A hang over is the terrible, sickly feeling you experience as your body tries to recover from the alcohol poisoning. But as Japanese businessmen discovered almost 50 years ago when they visited Russia, drinking ionized water the morning after drinking alcohol will help your body recover quickly.

Using Ionized Water to Flush Away Toxins

Because ionized water is concentrated, all of those antioxidants are absorbed into your cells much easier, and those antioxidants will go to work flushing out all of the toxins and help your cells repair from the damage caused by the alcohol. The alkalinity of the water will help neutralize the acid waste in your body, which will greatly reduce the feelings of being achy and tired.

You should also continue to drink ionized alkaline water throughout the new year. Why not make it one of your New Year’s resolutions? If you drink at least eight ounces of alkaline ionized water an hour, you can expect to lose weight, sleep better, absorb more nutrients from the food you eat, have more energy during the day, not get sick as much, think clearer, and feel more positive about your life. With all of these benefits, it just make sense to make the healthy commitment to drinking alkaline ionized water all day.

So, why start out your new year feeling terrible? Follow these few simple steps to drink ionized water with alcohol into your New Year’s Eve and New Year’s plans and you’ll end up having all of the fun without feeling horrible.

To your health!


alcohol and ionized water

alkaline water antioxidants

neutralize acid ionized water

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