Eating Meat Makes you Sick

Dioxins, Bio-accumulation, Hormones, and More

Here at Water For Life USA, we talk a lot about the importance of drinking alkaline ionized water that’s full of antioxidants and also eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. But one thing we haven’t talked much about is America’s robust appetite for meat. Unfortunately, there has been a clear link established between eating animal products, especially dairy, and diseases like diabetes and Alzheimers.  The bottom line: eating meat makes you sick.

meat-makes-you-sickWith diabetes, there is a common misconception that it’s all about how much sugar we consume. I think most people believe that if they consume too much sugar, they will develop diabetes. That’s actually not true. Sugar is not good for us because it’s just empty calories. But there is a much clearer link established between eating animal products and developing diabetes.

The reason is the animal fats coat our blood vessels. Blood sugar needs to be reabsorbed by our blood vessels but a coating of animal fat, which our body really struggles to break down, stops this re-absorption and causes our blood sugar levels to get too high.

Also, animal fat coating our vessels in our brain has been linked to diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Meat Makes You Sick With Dioxins

bioaccumulation1There is also the problem with bio-accumulation. The factories produce toxins which get into our ground water and soil. The cows eat the grass that grows in the soil. The dioxins bioaccumulate into the cow and are especially highly concentrated in their milk. So consuming any dairy product, such as drinking milk or eating cheese, introduces your body to a very high-level of dioxins. Dioxins have been linked to cancer and numerous human diseases.

There is also a myth perpetuated by the dairy industry that drinking milk creates strong bones. That’s why we are encouraged to give it to our children. But the opposite has been proven. Drinking milk that’s high in calcium does not make our bones any stronger. But drinking dairy, which is high in dioxins, has been linked to much higher levels of osteoporosis in adults. Even organic milk is full of dioxins.

Meat Makes You Sick with Antiobiotics, Artificial Flavors, and Preservatives

meat-makes-you-sick-with-drugsThe other issue is America’s pharmaceutical companies have been getting a huge payday selling their drugs to dairy and pig farmers. 80% of all the drugs that they produce is sold to these farmers as antibiotics and such. There are as many as 20 different drugs being given to cows and pigs at any given time. These drugs are very dangerous to human health and we consume them by eating the meat from these animals. Antiobiotics we consume in meat make us resistant to taking antiobiotics given to us by a doctor when we really need them to fight off an infection. The other drugs they use aren’t processed by our bodies and instead accumulate in our tissues and damage us for a lifetime.

Then there’s the problem with the waste produced by pigs in particular. In North Carolina, there are 10 million pigs that are producing 100 million tons of waste every single month. That’s the same amount of waste the entire Eastern part of the United States produces in a single year. Problem is, there isn’t any kind of waste management system for this big waste. So instead it is sent into streams and rivers where all the antibiotics and other chemicals get into groundwater and food that we humans consume. These pig farms tend to be in poor areas where there are mostly African-American and Hispanic populations. And it just so happens that those populations experience cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimers, and a whole host of other diseases at six times the national average.

This is a form of institutionalized racism because of how disproportionately affected Black and Hispanic communities are by these practices.

The reason why we bring all of this up is because it doesn’t make much sense to focus on filtering out all the chemicals and nasty things out of your tap water with a water ionizer when your meat is so contaminated. Being healthy means that you have to have a comprehensive approach to your diet. Everything you eat should be chemical-free. Everything you drink should be chemical-free. Your food should be natural and full of antioxidants.

We have only scratched the surface with this blog post. There is plenty more research that you can do. We recommend watching the documentary What the Health, which is currently on Netflix. You can also watch it below. You could also do a search on the World Health organization’s website for links between consuming animal products and developing diseases like cancer and diabetes.

The most important thing is to stay healthy and, based on our research, meat makes you sick. There are better ways to eat!

To your health!

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