Fight Aging with Ionized Water

How to Fight Aging with Ionized Water

When we were young, our bodies were awesome at keeping themselves clean. Our bodies functioned like high-end sports cars where the food we ate was immediately converted to fuel and the free radicals that were produced from food digestion were quickly cleaned up. Now that we have aged, our bodies are more like a 1990 Chevy Nova instead of a Maserati and that’s why we need to help our bodies fight aging with ionized water.

If you have children, you probably marvel at how they bounce around the house with seemingly endless amounts of energy while you stumble through your day. Why does this happen? Because of enzymes.

Aging Means a Decrease in Enzyme Production

fight aging with ionized waterSpecifically, the enzymes that keep our body clean are superoxide dismutase, analyze, and catalase. These enzymes are like little scavengers that go around your cells and clean up free radicals at a 1 million to 1 ratio. A free radical is an unstable oxygen molecule, which bounces around your cell and slowly breaks it down. So it is very important for free radicals to be cleaned up.

As we age, our body becomes less able to produce these enzymes like when you were a kid. This is simply because our body is breaking down. When something starts to break down, it doesn’t function as well as when it was brand new. The result of less enzymes in our bodies is that there are more free radicals bouncing around and doing damage to our cells.

Free radical damage presents itself as discoloration and wrinkles in your skin, less energy, poor sleep patterns, being more prone to getting sick, achiness, crankiness and everything else that makes life not so much fun.

When we reach our golden years, the damage to our bodies is so significant that our hair actually starts to bleach and turns gray. Gray hair is caused by oxidation from the free radicals. If the free radical damage is so great that it bleaches your hair follicles, can you imagine what it’s doing to the rest of your body?

Antioxidant Ionized Water Cleans up Free Radicals

fight aging with ionized waterIonized water from EOS water ionizers is a very powerful antioxidant. This means that ionized water will neutralize those free radicals that are bouncing around and damaging your cells. If you drink 8 ounces an hour, like what is recommended by doctors and other health practitioners, you are introducing millions upon millions of antioxidants into your body.

When you are younger, these millions upon millions of antioxidants will protect your cells. When you are older, it protects them but also gives them a chance to heal from all those years of increased free radical damage, which means you’ll start to look and feel better.

As for the enzymes, you can increase the production of those enzymes by taking a supplement called Protandim. Protandim is proven to reduce oxidative stress levels in our cells by 40% to 50% in only 30 days. The combination of Protandim and ionized water creates a powerful attack against free radicals, and will help us heal and feel better every day of our lives.

If you are feeling achy, cranky, having trouble sleeping, you might want to think about introducing ionized water to your diet. Water for Life USA has 12 years of testimonials that show people get better from drinking ionized water. There are also 45 years of clinical trials and research that have been conducted on ionized water. You can go to pubmed.gov and search for electrolyzed water to see the latest research.

As you get older, do your body a favor and take care of it by cleaning up free radicals. Fight aging with ionized water and add Protandim to your diet and improve the quality of your life every second of every day.

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Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

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