Healing with Your Heart — A New Medical Model

Your Heart Rhythm Determines Your Health

Isaac Newton’s clockwork model of the human body, where mind is separate from body, and we are separate from each other, and our universe is wrong. He saw the body as having two engines, the heart and the brain, controlled by DNA. Alternatively, quantum physics has discovered that instead our brain functions more like an antennae sending and receiving information and the heart is the ruler of our body, setting a rhythm for everything else to follow.

So, to truly be healthy, you have to have positive emotions to set a coherent heart rhythm and you have to think you are healthy and not be at war with your body, even if it is sick.

Problems with the Current Western Medical Model

The current Western medical model is reductionistic. It explains things as tiny bits, molecules, separate from each other and treats our body as physics and chemistry, like we’re a dishwasher or automobile.  This model explains that information is passed from one molecule to another through molecular collision. But molecules are small and the area inside a cell is vast in comparison. How do the molecules find each other? How do they know where to look?  How do they know what to do? The truth is the Western medical model has no idea how cells find each other, talk to each other, and pass on the right information.

Another problem with the Western medical model is how it views our nervous system, which carries electrical impulses through our body.   Western science tells us that our brain coordinates all of this like a computer connected to all the wires of our body. Yet scans show that during thought, electrical impulses in the brain appear simultaneously and unrelated to each other. For example, impulses will fire in one part of the left brain at the same time as the right and there are no neurons connecting the two. Furthermore, these impulses are faster than cells can fire.  This shows our brain communicates on a higher level than the physical transmission of nerves and the Western medical model has no idea why.

The Western medical also can’t explain the placebo effect, where simply believing that you are given corrective medicine or corrective surgery produces healing in the body. An experiment was done where men with severe arthritis pain in their knees all went to surgery. Half the surgeries did a corrective procedure for the arthritis, the other half were sham surgeries – the patient’s knees were cut open but nothing was done inside. Two years later, the surgery participants were interviewed and nearly all said that their knee pain was gone. There weren’t any differences in reports of recovery between sham surgeries and real ones. The patients who received the sham surgery believed their arthritis had been healed and the healing happened with no physical explanation. This is the placebo effect.

If the body is just a machine, how does it heal when nothing is done to it?

Did you know that one-third of all healings are attributed to the placebo effect? If we could control this, we could cut medical costs by one-third immediately!

Another problem with the Western medical model is how it perceives genes. Doctors tell patients that they’re alcoholic or have high blood pressure or have developed arthritis because it’s genetic – their parents or grandparents had it, they inherited those genes, so they developed it. Studies show that this is wrong.

For example, when children are adopted into a family with a history of cancer, they are more likely to develop cancer. They are not genetically related to their parents but still are just as likely as children genetically related to their parents to develop the cancer. The Western medical model would say that this is impossible because the adopted children didn’t inherit any genes for cancer from their adoptive parents. And yet it is true. Something else is going on.

Epigenetics tell us that the environment influences genetic expression. Signals come from outside gene that control what gets expressed.  There are 30,000 variations for every gene and approximately 25,000 genes in the human body so when you multiply those two figures that amounts to virtually unlimited potential.  This means there are literally hundreds of thousands versions of yourself that are possible and what determines the genes that are expressed is your thoughts and your environment, not your parents or grandparents.

When an adopted child develops cancer like their parents, it is learned not inherited.

It’s not just adopted children, it’s all of us. There is a significant correlation between the physiological activity of one person and the people around them. An experiment was done where a sick and dying wife was sealed into a chamber that cut her off from any outside activity and was videotaped. Miles away her husband watched the live video tape feed and every twenty seconds or so he sent out loving intention to his wife. At the exact moments he sent out this loving intention, her body responded positively – her heart rate calmed, her blood pressure improved, sometimes she even smiled as if she knew somehow her husband loved her in those moments.
The Western medical model would tell us that it is impossible for her to respond to the love of her husband because she is sealed away and he is miles away and yet the results are clear – his love transcended time, space and even steel and healed her soul.

Western thinking sees science as an absolute truth, something that has already been written and we are here to read it and follow directions. Modern physics rejects this Newtonian model. Modern physics says it’s not matter that is primary but rather mind and spirit, defined as intelligent energy fields, and those fields connect directly with a higher information source.

Morphogenetic Fields

Albert Einstein once said, “the field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” Notice he didn’t say it was the brain, or the heart, or DNA – he said it was the field. He was referring to morphogenetic fields, produced by biophotonic light that is produced by every living cell in our body. I’ll bet you didn’t know that you glow. But it’s true. Every cell produces light and when all the light from our cells combine, it produces a field.
There are separate fields for our brain, our heart, our liver, our bones, all radiating from our body. This has often been referred to as our aura – the part of our soul that lives outside our body.

Morphogenetic fields are holistic, which means you can’t dissect them or slice them up. They are like magnetic fields, not matter how small, they are always complete.

An awful experiment was done in the late 1960’s where rats were taught a specific path to get out of a maze and then had various parts of their brains removed and then were put back in that maze. As long as the rats could still move, they still remembered the path, leading the researcher to conclude there is no specific part of the brain that houses memory. Modern physics has concluded that memory is not stored but rather it seems to be accessed from somewhere else.

MEGS, which are probes that are placed outside the skull that pick up on energy fluctuations when a person thinks, have proven this theory. It is this field of energy that causes the activity in the brain that the Western medical model can’t explain, like simultaneously and unconnected firing impulses. Our brain is constantly transmitting and receiving information from this field.

Flocks of birds use morphogenetic fields, too. If you ever watched a flock fly, you’ll notice that they all change direction at the same time, as if controlled by the same brain. They have created a morphogenetic field that connects every bird in the flock and it is this shared field that controls them, not any one bird.

The morphogenetic fields that we produce are significant because they follow our attention. Meaning, when a person thinks about someone or something, the field follows. And these fields are quantum, they transcend time and space and connect to the entire universe, some say directly to God, so nothing can contain or stop them. That is why the husband was able to send healing love to his wife even though she was sealed away.

Our morphogenetic fields impact people in other ways, too. Have you ever gone into a really old and elaborately designed church? When you go inside, you are hit by a very calm, soothing feeling – the feeling of reverence, awe, and even grace. The church itself is not creating this energy , it is coming from the hundreds of thousands of people who have entered that church on their best behavior. Those visitors put their attention on the church, filling it with their feelings of reverence, awe, and grace so those energies hit you when you walk in.

The opposite also holds true. If there is a family that has a history of yelling and violence, eventually the house they live in absorbs those energies so even when the family is in a place of calm, the house still radiates past anxiety, hurt, and anger that effects them in the present time and creates a situation where the yelling and violence can repeat.

Every single cell produces this morphogenetic field, making our human body less a machine and more a field of structured information.

The million dollar question is where does all the information come from? Certainly some of it comes from each other, some of it from our environment, but the big blue prints, like how a newly conceived baby knows how to develop into a fully functioning baby, is unknown.

It’s a Matter of Heart

Our heart, not our brain, is the emperor of our body. It creates signals that are regulatory to our body like sound, heat, electrical, and light. It also emits magnetic and electromagnetic fields that carry emotional patterns, either positive or negative.  Based on your emotions, your heart can have a coherent or incoherent rhythm. Positive emotions, like satisfaction and happiness create a coherent rhythm that organizes all your other body rhythms and synchronizes with your brain. Negative emotions, like anger, sadness, depression and regret create an incoherent rhythm that throws all your other body rhythms off and causes illness.

Did you know your heart has its own nervous system that can sense, feel, remember, and process information independently from your brain? Experiments have shown that your heart receives information first and then relays it to your brain. Your heart responds faster than your brain to outside stimulation, before the event has even happened!

Think about that for a second. Your heart works on a spiritual level. Just like the quantum property of morphogenetic fields, your heart is not bound by space and time. It communicates spiritually with other people and then relays that information to the brain, which then turns that information into a thought, which then creates action. But it doesn’t stop with the brain.

Most impressive of all, your heart imprints the information it receives into your entire body field, which controls which genes are expressed, how your cells communicate, how you grow and develop. You are literally made up of the information your heart receives.

Imprinted information from the heart is how two molecules know how to find each other inside a cell. It is also how your body stays coherent even though every atom inside your body will exchange at least once every three months.

In total, your structured morphogenetic field controls about 70 trillion cells.

You’re as Healthy as You Think You Are

Wwe have a problem called free will and it is this free will that leads to negative intention, that creates negative emotions, that creates an incoherent heart rhythm, which creates disturbances in your body’s morphogenetic fields that create illness.

Let’s say that you are sick with chronic pain. When you were born, God gave you everything you needed to live in perfect health and pain free. But at some point you were influenced negatively. Maybe someone abused you and damaged your relationship with your body. Maybe your mom said you’re going to have a bad back just like your uncle and you believed her. Maybe you took some drugs that altered the way you related to your body. Either way, a disturbance was created between the perfect communication coming from your heart and what was imprinted on the rest of your body. This disturbed imprint is the chronic pain.

To fix a disturbed imprint, we need to let information through. But the Western medical model actually makes the disturbance worse because it is built upon the principle of attacking whatever is the problem, creating an inner conflict. So, you have chronic pain caused by a disturbed imprint and instead of trying to fix that imprint, the Western medical model will instead give you pills to dull your sensitivity to the pain. They might put you in surgery to change how you feel the pain. And you might begin to resent the pain. Hate the pain. Feel sorry for yourself for being in pain. All of this creates warfare inside your body that only wants to live in harmony.

In reality, the way to make the pain go away is to accept the pain gratefully. If your pain was caused by abuse, that means you have to come to terms with the abuse and allow your body to move on. Of course, abuse is awful. But being at emotional and psychological war with the experience makes your body unhealthy.

A New Medical Model – Ways to Get Healthy

The first step in getting healthy is to take stock of your beliefs about your body. Do you believe you are sick because of your parents or something that happened to you? Do you feel in control or helpless because of this belief? Do you believe you can heal from your illness quickly? Do you believe you will live a long life? Are there parts of your body that you flat out reject? Are you tired of your body? What else do you believe?
Once you’ve taken stock of your beliefs about your illness, label each one as either a positive or negative intention.

The next step is to take stock of the emotions you experience daily. Are you happy? Sad? Stressed? Remember how you feel effects your heart’s rhythm, which affects your thoughts.

Here are other ways to sooth the inner conflict.

1) Choosing the thoughts you think.  Create good state of mind that is conducive to healing.
2) Remove the stressors.
3) Emotional diet is just as important as your nutritional diet.
4) Enhance information transfer.  Informational medicine.
5) Create a placebo effect! It is always present but If you dint focus on it, you won’t receive it.  Like a television station.

A couple of modalities are particularly effective for healing. NLP or neurolinguistic programming looks at where you are and where you want to be and discovers what is blocking the way. Thought field therapy heals negative thoughts around us.

There are Reiki masters who are healers that remove blockages in your energy field.

Clairvoyance classes can teach you how to see and identify the energy blockage yourself and remove it from your body field.

The ultimate goal is to be healing centered not war and illness-centered. You have to correct your body field.

One final thought, zero point field is energy exchange between subatomic particles.  In exchange a virtual particle is created that’s about half a watt.  When added to all the other half-watt virtual particles of the universe, it becomes an unfathomable amount of energy of which you are only a tiny part of. So no matter what illness you have, it can be healed.

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