Lowering Medical Costs with Antioxidants from Ionized Water

Getting Healthy With Antioxidants from Ionized Water

If you’re looking at your monthly expenses and a huge percentage of it is going to medical bills, you may be interested to know that you can lower your medical costs with antioxidants from ionized water.

The reason why you can lower you are medical bill expenses with antioxidants is that just about every illness and disease we face as humans is rooted in what scientists called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the measurement of the damage caused by unstable oxygen molecules bouncing around our cells but you’re also known as free radicals.

We get sick when these free radicals cause so much oxidative stress in our cells that it results in cellular damage. Cellular damage means that our cells are broken down to the point that they don’t function the way they’re supposed to. Our cells break down naturally as we get older. But along the way, our cells break down from exposure to unnatural foods, acidic foods and beverages, pollution, mental and physical stress, lack of sleep, and lack of purpose. All of these dressers and poor diet choices result in our cells being exposed to more and more free radicals. Those free radicals oxidized our cells, make us week, and this leads to illness and disease.

Lower Your Medical Bills by Reducing Free Radicals

ionized water antioxidants
It doesn’t matter if you’re experiencing the first stages of high oxidative stress also known as acidosis which is low energy, poor metabolism, agitation, prone to get sick or if you are in advanced stages of oxidative stress such as you have developed cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, and a whole host of other illnesses and diseases, antioxidants will make you better. The power of an antioxidant is that it has an extra eye on to give to an unstable oxygen molecule called a free radical. This extra ion will stabilize that unstable oxygen molecule and turn it into normal oxygen that your body will absorb and use for energy. The more antioxidants you can introduce to your body, the more of those free radicals will be neutralized and won’t damage your cells anymore.
You can lower the amount of free radicals in your cells by improving any of these categories. When it comes to food and beverage, you should eat alkaline foods and drink alkaline beverages . Acidic foods and beverages will  create more free radicals  in your cells.  Another way to fight free radicals  is to consume antioxidants.

You can get really good amount of antioxidants from citrus fruit, green tea, and many vegetables. But did you know you can also get antioxidants from the water that you drink? A glass of ionized water from EOS Water ionizers has more antioxidants in it than a glass of blueberry juice, orange juice, or even grapefruit juice.

Antioxidant Rich Ionized Water

This is really important because most Americans are drinking acidic water from the tap or from bottles. Water is supposed to have antioxidants in it to cleanse our cells. But unless you’re drinking directly from a glacial Stream, longevity spring, or have an EOS water ionizer in your home, you are not drinking water that has antioxidants in it. The process of bottling water or storing in a municipal water tank will fizzle away the antioxidants in water in about 3 days. Water has to be drink fresh, it can’t be sitting around or become stagnant and dead. We should not be drinking stagnant and add water. That’s why an EOS water ionizer is so important.

To lower your medical bills, eliminate or ameliorate the behaviors that create free radicals and drink ionized water at least eight ounces every hour!


To your health!


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