Secret of the Distilled Water Brands

What the Distilled Water Brands Don’t Want You to Know

distilled water brands
More and more of us are rightly wising up to the fact that drinking unfiltered tap water on a daily basis can be hazardous to our health.
When tap water is swimming with anything from parasites, fluoride, chlorine and dioxins, there seems to be a sea-change (excuse the pun) in drinking habits as more of us seek healthier alternatives. And this is how many of us have become ensnared by distilled water brands, who promise to save us from the ills of contaminated tap water with nourishing and super-healthy distilled drinking water.
But there are some things the many distilled water brands don’t want you to know. Certain facts which mean that distilled water may not be all that great for your health.

How the Distilled Water Brands Make Their Water

You can certainly see what makes all the numerous distilled water brands an attractive proposition for many Americans. Knowing that our tap water has traces of many contaminants in it, the idea of drinking water that has been removed of all impurities is an attractive one. And that is essentially what distilled water is: water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container.

Because distilled water is free of dissolved minerals it is able to actively absorb some toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of drinking distilled water if you are seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system, but only for short periods of time (a few weeks at most). And the reasons why it is only recommended you drink it for a short period are what the distilled water brands don’t want you to know about.

What the Distilled Water Brands Don’t Tell You

distilled water brands The property of being able to absorb substances easily in distilled water is a double-edged sword. Because it is an active absorber, when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide. And what does this do? It makes it acidic. So the more distilled water a person drinks, the higher your body acidity level rises. And that is a very bad thing and the opposite of the healthy alkaline qualities of water from a water ionizer machine.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water.”

When health experts are telling us all to lower the acidity in our bodies as it can cause diseases and illness over time, putting acidic water down our throats is not recommended. Leaving your body in an acid state by drinking distilled water regularly is like continually dipping your tissues, cells and organs in and out of acid. Your body doesn’t like this so it will obviously make steps to counteract the threat to your health, like removing minerals from your skeleton and manufacturing bicarbonate in the blood. The former is linked to another problem with distilled water…

Distilled Water Brands and Toxic Commercial Beverages

Another ‘quality’ of distilled drinking water that everyone is conveniently forgetting to talk about is its ability to leave regular drinkers mineral deficient over time. The most acidic and toxic beverages that we can drink is Coca Cola and soda. These drinks are made from the same distilled water that has been packaged up and bottled by the numerous distilled water brands and, worryingly, studies have consistently shown that consuming distilled water based like these regularly leads to mineral loss. Over time, this will leave you at greater risk from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and a long list of scary degenerative diseases generally associated with premature ageing.

Distilled Water: The Verdict

Leaving your body in an acid state, whilst mineral deficient at the same time, is the likely outcome from drinking distilled water on a daily basis. You could try supplementing distilled water with trace minerals but this still does not allow you to be adequately nourished from drinking the stuff and you’d still be consuming an acidic liquid, which is a big no-no. So unless you are looking to draw poisons out of your body and de-tox over a short period, I wouldn’t recommend drinking distilled water. Something that can de-tox the body and is a healthy alkaline pH as well is ionized water. I’d give that a try first.

To your health,

alkaline water filters

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