
Lost Weight and Enthusiastic to be a Dealer

"Since I haven't been to a doctor in a good while, I decided to go and visit him. I was down 37
pounds and my blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature were well within range. He
told me the last time I went to see him to get blood work done and a colonoscopy. I did
neither. However, my health has greatly improved no thanks to him. He realized that as well
because he mentioned how much weight I have lost.

He printed me a couple of papers and was insistent that I get my blood work and a
colonoscopy. So, I made an appointment with the "Digestive Specialist" he referred me to.
While on the phone, I began to inquire about costs. The girl on the phone told me the
procedure had a $1300 price tag attached. I didn't let this phase me even though I knew this
would be an out-of-pocket expense for me and also probably did not include the
anaesthesiologist fee.

I went to the appointment and filled out the paperwork given to me. I sat back down for
several minutes until they called me back to the window. The girl there told me that since this
is January and they know we haven't made our deductible, I would have to pay up front. I had
to inquire about the cost which I found out was $200. This is to see the doctor for a
consultation only. Needless to say, I passed. If you do the math here, we are looking at a cost
of about $2,000 for a procedure I may not need with no guarantee whatsoever. I really do feel
that I don't need the procedure because the several people I have talked to who own a water
machine said their colonoscopy had come out clean as a whistle.

My doctor told me about colon cancer and said it could be fatal if not caught early. He did not
respond when I told him that cancer cannot live in alkalized cells. I am also sure he has had
other patients who have bought a machine and he has seen the tremendous results as well.

He refuses to talk to me about a machine.

When I tell people what the machine will do for them, they refuse to believe me. They tell me
we all are going to die someday, etc. Well, if I am going to die someday anyway, why should I
spend $2,000 on a medical procedure?? My life isn't worth $2,000 just as many others aren't
worth $1500 for a machine they could be sharing with family and friends."

Manny Wallace

Genesis is Amazing!

I have just finished my first 7 days with my KYK water unit. It is amazing! Thank you for your
efforts in bringing this machine to the USA. I am enthusiastic about sharing it.

David, Georgia

Happy with Warranty and Customer Support

Thank you very much. I appreciate the automatic warranty. I am really excited about your
product. It is a good looking unit, it functions perfectly, and seems very sturdy. It came with
all the needed fittings and more. I was using it the evening that I received it.

I am a very happy customer and thank you for the great customer service. The water is
delicious and if I see any positive health results with me, my family, or my cats, I will certainly
give you a good news update.


Feeling Better and Cut Diabetes Medication

Thanks for dropping the water off; Kris and I were in the office when you came.
I was out of water for a few days, and I noticed a big difference! In the short time that I've
been drinking the water, I've been able to cut back on my diabetic medicine, and I just
stopped taking a prescription that they said I would have to be on for the rest of my life. I don't
know if it has to do with the water, or the fact that I had all the dental work done. I'm leaning
toward the water because my whole system is changing.

My doctor's office is hoping that this dental work will be a key component in resolving some of
my medical issues. If so, they suggested that I speak about it, and it would be a great way to
introduce the water.

Thanks so much for getting me the water on a regular basis."


Improves Hair Loss and Constipation

"Hi Alderin!

Some of the ionized water effects:

• in less then 2 months, I lost 4-5 kilograms, and 4-5 cm fat on my nipping
• my head was totally hairless on the middle (3-4 years ago), and now the hair begins to
• our patients like the taste and the effects of the water. Most of them suffer from
constipation, and when they drink the water, they don't have constipation
• the water increases the positive effect of bioresonance therapy (probably better
hydration, better conductivity)
Please transmit our patients’ and our personal thanks to EOS. They are great

Mr. Zsolst, Hungary

Kidneys Doing Great After Ionized Water

We bought a KYK Harmony from you in January. We love it!!! Our daughter-in-law is
expecting a baby. She was diagnosed with pre-clampsia (sp?) on March 21 at about
30 weeks along. Her doctor told her that her kidneys and liver were in trouble. They told her
to (sorry if this is a gross thing to say but it is important) collect her urine for 24 hours and
bring it in to be tested to see if they needed to take her baby early.

She stopped at her alternative health care lady, Cindy, to see what she had to say about the
pre-clampsia. Cindy told her she needed to drink a minimum of 80 ounces of 9.0 pH water
every day.

Well, we rushed our water ionizer up to their house and hooked it up and she guzzled EOS water from
Friday afternoon until Sunday when she started her collection, and then kept guzzling. She
took the sample in to them on Monday morning.

She found out the results of the test on Wednesday, March 26, and guess what??? Her doctor
said, "Your kidneys and liver are doing great." She didn't tell him why, but we all know why --
it is the water she drank from your machine that helped her be better. She is continuing to drink her 80+ ounces daily and we're hoping and praying that she can carry this baby to full term with the help of the water. We don't dare bring home the water machine because we want her baby to go to full term.
So, we have decided to give them that machine and buy us another one."

PS Thank you again so much for making it possible for us to own a Harmony machine.
We had someone try to sell us an Enagic for $4000 and we just can't afford that kind of
money and besides your machine is superior to theirs. For half the cost of an Enagic we
can have one for us and one to help our daughter-in-law."

Dale and Pat Rice

Ionized Water Increased Oxygen in Blood

"Hi Alderin, Just thought to share with you the following. I installed a Genesis machine
for my daughter about four months ago and got this report a couple days ago."

Sincerely, Tom Holmquist

"Hi Dad!

Wanted to share my results from the doctor with you!

My Hemoglobin (a protein which enables the RBC to distribute oxygen throughout the body –
the amount of oxygen in the body tissues depends on how much hemoglobin is in the red
blood cells) was 12.7 (Normal Values 11.0 – 16.0 g/dl) Cholesterol 183 ( Normal Values
<200 mg/dl) HDL 70 (Normal Values >35 mg/dl) and Triglyceride <45 (Normal Values <150

My doctor was impressed with how my results improved from last year!! I’m convinced that
the ionized water has increased the oxygen in my blood and helped balance me out!!!

Love you!"

Miriam Holmquist

Harmony Superior to Enagic SD501

For products I have an analyst mindset and do lots of research of the technology and products. I have been introduced to another product first where I learned about the ionizing technology. I knew already for some time that an alkaline body is a healthy body. I started my internet research and decided to try the water of a $4000 Kangen Water machine as well as the KYK Harmony side by side. I considered both products the best on the market for home use at this time.

I purchased test equipment to actually validate the water output. I have to say that I am now convinced after comparing both new machines that the Harmony is the by far superior machine. It produces more precise pH and the actual measured ORP by far exceeds the one of the more expensive unit. The Harmony is adjustable, whereas the other unit has no adjustment capabilities whatsoever. We were taking excellent food supplements for years but immediately after using the water we have seen tremendous additional health benefits. Within 3 days my wife had heavy detox reactions and a 180 degree mood improvement.

The coffee tasted so good that other people wanted to purchase the unit just for that. I already released several pounds of weight (along with weight reduction patch) which worked much better with the water.

I already know the the decision to buy this unit was one of the best investments I have made in years for ourselves. I am now totally convinced about the Harmony and look very forward to spread the word and recommend it to all my circle of influence."

Peter Geier

Switched from Bottled Water and Will Never Go Back

For four months now I have been providing water to people who live in my building as well as
my friends though they have been slow in getting into using it. Those that have made the
shift say they are very pleased with how it makes them feel and that they are aware of the
great differences from bottled water and do not wish to go back.

Personally I am very thankful that this product is available. I don't go anywhere without it.
Just today someone came to see me and they were feeling very tired.

I suggested they try the water and 2 glasses later their energy was back and they were ready
to get on with their day feeling refreshed and energized.

If I eat anything that makes my belly feel uncomfortable I just drink a glass or two of the Genesis
water and it sorts things out quickly.

I just let the water speak for itself."


Improved Celiac Disease and Helped Allergies

"My husband and I are very happy with your machine. We have way more energy. Before we
had to take lots of herbs to have energy, spending way more money than we wanted to. Now
we feel better. I have celiac disease; the Genesis has helped my colon from being so irritated
and swollen. Unbelievably, it has also helped my allergies. My husband also has low blood
sugar; amazingly this machine has lessened this problem. It is way more affordable than
other machines. This is the best machine for the money."

Renae Webb

Healthier, Happier, More Energized than Before

Our company, Traditional Oriental Health Center, just purchased 5 Genesis Ionizers.
Our company is all about health -- spiritually, mindfully, and physically. We are practitioners of
Chinese Medicine and Hypnotherapy, and we provide health care for achieving balance in our
lives. We are all vegetarian, practice Qigong and have healthy lifestyles.

I only give this information for reference, to let you know something about our knowledge

This testimonial is strictly my own experience, using the Genesis Ionizer:

I am sixty-seven years young, ex-British Special Forces, and I know the value of balance and
tranquility in our lives. As we become mature, our bodies require more hydration, with the
highest alkaline, purest, low acid water available to us. Even with my training of what our body
requires to be tranquil and balanced, the weak link in the chain has always been the quality of
available drinking water.

I live in Sidney, British Columbia, Canada. Our water from the tap is most likely some of the
very best in the world for purity and clarity. This water directly from from the tap is pH 6.2 -- it
is already acid. Acid bodies are sick bodies. Acid in our bodies is the cause of ALL disease in
our body. There is definitely a need for acid water. It has many healing and sanitizing
properties; we just should not have an acid body system.

I know that most people will probably not believe what I say about this product; that will
unfortunately be their loss. My life is so much more tranquil, knowing that I can control my
acid levels in my blood. Although my wife and I have only used the Genesis for a short time,
we are extremely grateful for all the health benefits it is making to our personal health. We are
healthier, happier, energized, and more active than before. I am happy to take part in your testimonial.

I will be happy to go (on and on,) into further benefits I have received from using the Genesis
should you wish.

I look forward to a long, healthy and prosperous relationship with both you and Water for life

Fred Gordon

Genesis Easy to Use, Reduced Acid Reflux

My wife and I have been using your New Genesis 7-plate water ionizer since January 2009. We
got ours from your first shipment that arrived from Korea.

We cannot say enough good things about both the machine and our results. First of all it is
extremely easy to use -- just set it and forget it! It does the rest with just the touch of 1 button.
Also within just a short time, I noticed that I was needing fewer and fewer antacid tablets. Now
I can't remember the last time I needed one -- the bottle is mostly full. No more getting up at
night to fix acid reflux -- it's great! We know we will see even more benefits as our bodies’ pH
levels continue to improve.

A friend wanted to sell us a brand that he was marketing but the price was too high for our
budget. After a thorough Google search, we determined that in our opinion the improvements
in the Genesis actually exceeded the features of the other brand for less than half the price.
With the money back guarantee and the 5-year warranty you offer at Water for Life, we felt we
had nothing to lose and we are VERY thankful that we made this decision.

We can recommend your Company and your product without hesitation."

Ron and Peggy Caylor

Reduced Diabetes Medication

I have been drinking Genesis ionized water since October 2008. At that time I weighed 450
lbs and was taking medications for high blood pressure, type II diabetes, cholesterol and
other heart-related issues. It is now June 1, 2009 and I have lost 70 lbs, cut my blood
pressure medication from 200 mg per day to 50 mg per day, eliminated Glipizide for my
diabetes, cut Metformin (diabetes) from 2000 mg per day to 1000 per day and routinely never
see a blood sugar finger stick above 130! I have also eliminated or reduced dosage on (3)
other medications.

In addition to all of the above benefits, I am sleeping better and feel more energized during
the day. Most importantly my attitude has improved because I know I'm taking action that is
improving my health and allowing me to live much longer than if I would have had I continued
on my path.

I highly recommend the KYK Genesis Water Ionizer and Water for Life USA."

Jim Smith

Happy Water for Life USA Dealer

"As a Water for life USA distributor, I like to have personal contact with my customers so I offer
them free installation and delivery. I have Genesis 2500 and the seven-plate 3000 installed
from the west coast to the east coast. I know that many people are being helped by drinking
the ionized alkaline water, but what tickles me the most is when their filters run out and they
tell me they cannot drink any other water. One of the reasons being that the other waters are
so hard to drink, and they can feel Genesis ionized water going into their cells and being
absorbed into the body.

I look at this distributorship as more of a "ministry to health" than I do to work, and I have
many testimonies to all that this water is doing.

Thank you for all your good support.

I do look forward to greater sales to help others."

Tom Holmquist

Genesis Helped with Arthritis and Vertigo

"A friend at work told me about a "Water Ionizer" he bought and was telling me how he was losing weight without dieting. Just drinking the water. He gave me a sample of the water and it tasted pretty good. I asked how much the machine cost and thought it was a little pricey. A couple months later I went to get a haircut. While waiting for my barber I heard him telling the person he was cutting about a "Ionizer" he bought for his wife who had "Arthritis" real bad and how much it was helping her in a very short while. When I got in the chair I asked if it was really helping her that much and he said OH YEAH. Then he told me how the water strengthens the "Immune System" so your body can fight diseases. So I grabbed Manny at work and said I'd like to try a machine as I had some Arthritis in my shoulders and hips. It seemed to be getting worse. In three weeks I noticed the seemed to be lessening. What really amazed me was I had "Vertigo" real bad for almost seven years. In the middle of the second week, I noticed I was stepping out when I walked like I used to. I realized my Vertigo" was gone and it hasn't bothered me since. That alone was worth the cost of the machine. If someone was to try to take my machine from me I think I'd have to kill'em. the machine pays for itself many times over."

Ron Radvonik

Energy Improved from Ionized Water

"We absolutely love our Genesis. My husband felt a shift in his energy as soon as he
started drinking the water. It is helping us to release toxins, and my children prefer the taste
over bottled water. Thank you so much!"

Allison Gaess

Easy Genesis Installation

Easy Genesis Installation

"I cannot say enough about the Genesis, it works perfectly, the installation was simple, and
the water tastes great."

Dan Alter

Cholesterol and Triglycerides Improvement

Hi All:
Man @ church who is graduate of Water Party 101 told me yesterday that he'd gone in for tests week before last.  He has heart issue.  The nurse called him last Mon and said that his cholesterol level was now normal and triglycerides which had been over 300 were now in normal range.  He said they'd been trying to get those down for like 13yr with no improvement.  He'd had to quit taking medication for one of 'em as it made him very sick.  Now, suddenly, they were both down.

He was at a loss as to what caused it.  His diet was the same;  couldn't think of any reason.
Then his wife said "What about the alkaline water?"
He said he is sure that is it.  It is the only change that he's made.
He's been drinking it for about 5 months.

I wrote him this AM and told him that Dr. Batman said in his book that both cholesterol and for that matter, high blood pressure are a body's defense mechanisms for unintentional dehydration.  It's trying to ration what water comes in to go to certain areas and perform certain functions.  Once it is 'sure' there's enough water to go around he said it can cease.  If you'd like to know the pages the info is on please let me know and I'll look 'em up for you.  Seems he says something about triglycerides also but I don't recall for sure.  Be aware I do not do as good a job as I should checking email.  I'll make more of an effort.  Usually Wed & weekend stand best chance.

It was really/really exciting for me to have him tell me this.  I am so happy for him/them.


Jack Bernau

Arthritis Feels Better

"You with your new newsletter must be a mind reader, I was just going to contact you to let
you know how happy we are with our Genesis Ionizer.

I had been having lots of back and knee pain for 4-5 years just walking was a struggle for me,
I do mostly natural health practices so I had no diagnosis, just lots of body pain, I mean lots. I
woke up to pain and went to bed in pain, struggling to get to sleep. ( My brother has
Rheumatoid Arthritis so I figure that is probably what I have (my grandpa had it bad) )

We got the Genesis unit in early January of 2009, after approximately 3 months one morning I
woke up and all my body pain was gone. I was amazed, yet scared to say anything for fear of
its return, the second day no pain. It took me a few weeks, to realize it was probably the water
I had been drinking. What really cinched it was in May I went to visit my mom for a few days. I
did not have my water with me, and within 3 days I could feel some pain coming back. Since
then I take my water everywhere I go.

I feel this water has also helped my digestion and bowels, and my husband, who has had
years of digestive problems, is much better now.

I am thankful for having found the wonderful Genesis Ionizer and would suggest it for anyone
who wants improved health. Thank You."

Mary Ann Riffe

Loves His Genesis Water Ionizer

"I have been using ionized water for 2 years now and selected the Harmony first, which produced the best results at the time of all the machines I could test personally. I now own the Genesis (5 plate) for over 6 months and I have to say that this is even better. It especially produces more accurate pH/ORP in situations where the city provides water with a pH of 8.5
already such as in North Dallas, TX (but an ORP of +200 or worse).

"The Genesis can handle this situation perfectly and not only produces great-tasting water, but our health is in very
good shape. This is the only water we drink if we can. It also is great to make ice tea (no boiling water needed, just use PH 9.5 Water). We love the machine. Very well built as well, easy to connect."

Peter G.

Better Sleep from Ionized Water

Better Sleep from Ionized Water

"The prime reason I bought my Harmony water ionizer about a month ago was that I was
hopeful that it might help to relieve my my digestion problems that would typically keep me
awake for half the night. For the past 25 years, I lived on acid reducers, having tried every
over-the-counter brand as well as a few prescription jobbies. However, ever since I started
using my ionizer a month ago, I have not had the need to take a single acid reducer. More
importantly, I sleep better (not perfect, but much better).

However, the other benefit from using the ionizer is just as dramatic and something I never expected. I had complained to doctors for many years that I was never able to exercise for more than twenty minutes at a time nor exercise more than two or three times a week even though every doctor would tell me to
exercise more. It seemed that my muscles and lungs would reach exhaustion after twenty
minutes of exercising, and it was practically impossible for me to exercise two days in a row.
However, since using my ionizer, I am able to not only exercise five or six times a week, but
also exercise longer (up to 40 min.) each time. Obviously, it was the higher pH and the
additional oxygen from the ionized water that made the tremendous difference. Maybe you
ought to tell Barry Bonds."

Thomas, New Orleans

Doctor Delighted that His Body pH Balanced

Doctor Delighted that His Body pH Balanced

"Just wanted to let you know that we are very pleased with the Harmony ionizer we
purchased from Water for Life USA. It's very well designed and easy to operate. For me,
having the ORP reading is a real plus, since that is possibly more important than pH. The
color coded LCD makes it very easy to see what's going on.

I usually run the ionizer on the "pH 10" setting for drinking water (several glasses a day) and
for making green drinks.

I am delighted that my pH (as measured from saliva and urine) has increased with drinking
ionized water. I am also hydrating better (being 65 yrs. old, hydration is quite important).
Thanks for guiding me to purchase this unit rather than other units."

Ken Kaufman, phD

Spring Sale! Save 20%

Spring Sale!  Save 20%

Save 20% on NEW water ionizers during our Spring Sale! Use code Spring20.

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer

Get HOT ionized water! That's just one of the amazing new features of our HydroHeat Thermal Water Ionizer.

Partner Your Business with Us!

Partner Your Business with Us!

Generous wholesale discounts and drop-shipping available. If you run a health-centered or water-centered business, we want you! Please send us an email that introduces your business to info@waterforlifeusa.com or call us at 877-255-3713.

Free pH Solutions Chart

undersink water ionizer

Confused about pH? Want to know the pH of milk? Or bananas? Or soda? Download this free easy-to-use pH Solutions chart. Just click on the graphic above.

Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

Payment Plans Available

Payment Plans Available

We offer in-house payment plans. They require a 50% down payment and the rest is paid in three monthly installments. Call 877-255-3713 for more information.

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Home Water Filtration

Apple Pay Now Available!

Apple Pay Now Available!

Water for Life USA now has Apple Pay available for all purchases. Order with confidence using Apple Pay!

Our Testimonials

Lost Weight and Enthusiastic to be a Dealer

"Since I haven't been to a doctor in a good while, I decided to go and visit him. I was down 37
pounds and my blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature were well within range. He
told me the last time I went to see him to get bl...

Manny Wallace

Read More Testimonials »