Four Thanksgiving Meal Tips with Alkaline Ionized Water

Alkaline Ionized Water Thanksgiving Meal Tips

Thanksgiving is approaching us once again and your anxiety might be ramping up as you think about your Thanksgiving menu. We’re here to help! Here are some Thanksgiving meal tips involving ionized water to make your food delicious and your guests happy and healthy.

High alkaline water from your EOS water ionizer can be used in almost every facet of your Thanksgiving meal preparation.

1) Brine with ionized water.

If you are cooking a turkey, you may choose to brine your turkey before you cook it. Go ahead and mix your brine spices and your oil with the highest alkaline water and the flavors will absorb into your turkey much better. This is because super alkaline water is a super reduced water, meaning it is a much tighter water molecule cluster. That makes it easier for the water to absorb into cells and, in this case, absorb into your turkey and spread the deliciousness.

2) Boil with super alkaline water.

For your vegetables like your yams, green beans, corn, and anything else that you need to boil, you should definitely use the super high alkaline water. The super-high alkaline water will reduce the acidity in your vegetables and bring out the natural flavors. Super alkaline water also boils faster so you won’t waste as much electricity boiling your water and it makes things go faster in the kitchen.

3) Wash with super alkaline water and super acidic water. Before you even boil your vegetables, you should wash them with strong acidic water to kill bacteria and viruses and then soak them in the super alkaline water for a couple of minutes to neutralize all the oil-based pesticides. This two-step method is the only sure-fire way to get your vegetables clean.

4) Make great pies with ionized water.

Remember to use super-high alkaline water when preparing the fruits for your pies. Whether you’re making an apple pie, a cherry pie, or any other kind of fruit pie, when you boil the fruit in super high alkaline water, you will bring out a much sweeter flavor and reduce the acidity.

5) Clean and sterilize your kitchen with super acidic water. You can use the super-strong acidic water to keep everything nice and sterile in your kitchen and eating area without using harsh chemicals. Just get yourself a spray bottle and fill it with the strongest acidic water. Spritz this acidic water all over your kitchen especially when you are preparing your meat. This super-strong acidic water will sterilize bacteria and viruses. You won’t need to spray bleach or any other kind of harsh chemical around your food, and this will make your kitchen smell better and also make it safer for your guests, not to mention better for the environment.

6) Serve alkaline ionized water at dinner.

We know that water probably isn’t the top of your list for beverages you are going to serve for Thanksgiving, but consider serving some alkaline ionized water to your guests, especially if they are elderly. Alkaline ionized water at the Thanksgiving table could be a blessing for them.

Our elderly are chronically dehydrated and ionized water will hydrate their body three times more effectively than tap or bottled water. The antioxidants in alkaline ionized water will also cleanse the toxins from their bodies. Our elderly are particularly toxic because of the medications that Western medicine has put them on. So serve them and all of your guests a nice tall glass alkaline ionized water and you may help out their health tremendously. You can also earn 25% commissions if anybody decides to buy a water ionizer from us based on your recommendation.

This Thanksgiving, brine, boil, spray, and pour your ionized water from your EOS water ionizer freely. These Thanksgiving meal tips will enhance every food that you prepare and help keep your guests healthy and happy in more ways than you can imagine.


To your health!

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