Toxic Heavy Metals in Tap Water, Protein Shakes, Dog Treats, and More


An article in the Natural Sciences Journal just tested 100 municipal water samples from across the US. They all came back positive for toxic heavy metals and at levels never seen before. Municipal water facilities simply aren’t doing enough to filter out these metals and make tap water safe. People are paying with reduced cognitive abilities, cancer, and more. But heavy metals aren’t just in our tap water. The same report detailed several consumer products that are high in heavy metals. Even our pets aren’t safe!

Lead is in Our Soil

Did you know that they used to use lead as a pesticide? That lead is still in our soil, and it gets absorbed by the plants that we eat. When animals eat those plants, they get into them. The lead also works its way into our underground aquifer, where most of our drinking water comes from.

Exposure to lead damages our brain. It really impacts children and causes lower IQ, developmental delays, and behavioral problems.

It’s not just lead. Factories use a lot of toxic heavy metals like nickel, chromium, aluminum, and copper that also end up in our drinking water. Heavy machinery in agriculture also contributes to our heavy metal problem.

Heavy Metals in Everything Else

Besides our drinking water, these heavy metals are ending up in all kinds of products that we use. Lead has been found in protein powders, dog treats, and ginkgo. Chromium and iron are in lipstick, toothpaste, eyeliner, and nail color. Mercury has been found at high levels in cat treats. Tungsten and arsenic have been found in rice. Even high levels of copper have been found in multivitamins, including children’s multivitamins.

Health Effects of Heavy Metals

The reason why lead damages our brain is because heavy metals damage our DNA and mess up our bodies overall functioning. They cause oxidation, which damages our cells, and have other cytotoxic effects. Cytotoxic means that they are toxic to cells and prevent their replication and growth. This impacts our body’s ability to heal, makes our skin discolored and wrinkled, and more.

It’s important to be aware of the heavy metal content of the foods and beverages you consume. If it is a processed food, it will have higher levels of heavy metals. If it comes from a factory, it will also have higher levels. It’s best to avoid processed meats, beverages, or anything that comes in a box. If man makes it, you shouldn’t eat it! Also, vitamins aren’t healthy to take unless you have a deficiency. You should get your nutrients and vitamins from your food.

The best foods to eat are organic, locally grown, and plant-based. You should also use a multi-stage water filtration system like those in our premium water ionizers, which produce alkaline ionized water. The filters will remove heavy metals and other contaminants and restore the antioxidants that were lost during the municipal water treatment process.

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Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

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