Unregulated, Toxic PFAS in Drinking Water Threaten Your Health

PFAS are Toxic Enough to Shut Down a Water Treatment Facility

PERFLUOROALKYL AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES, also known as PFAS, are human-made chemicals that appear in a variety of products we use. Manufacturers like them because they repel oil, stains, grease and, water. The problem is the amount of PFAS in our drinking water is SURGING like never before. So much so that an entire water treatment plant in Tucson, Arizona had to shut down due to the risk to humans. Even worse, PFAS are not regulated and they have been linked to a variety of troubling health conditions.

Health Effects from PFAS on Humans

PFAS don’t break down easily, which means they stay in the environment for a very long time. This means that once they are in our drinking water supply, they are there seemingly forever. And since they are not regulated by the EPA, you may be drinking large amounts of these chemicals and not even know it.
Here are some of the health effects of PFAS exposure:

* Affect growth, learning, and behavior of babies and older children
* Lower a woman’s chance of getting pregnant
* Interfere with the body’s natural hormones
* Increase cholesterol levels
* Affect the immune system
* Increase the risk of cancer

Here are some of the products that use PFAS:

* Grease-resistant paper
* Fast food containers/wrappers
* Microwave popcorn bags
* Pizza boxes
* Candy wrappers
* Nonstick cookware
* Water-resistant clothing.
* Cleaning products.

One way to help reduce PFAS is to reduce demand for these products. So, if you have a chance to avoid pizza boxes, popcorn bags, candy wrappers, and other items on the above list, this is a good first step. You also shouldn’t use your home water to water your garden or lawn because the PFAS can enter our groundwater supply that way.

The EPA Has Ignored PFAS for Decades

The EPA has refused to take leadership on this issue. PFAS are rapidly increasing in our drinking water supply and they have yet to mandate testing or set limits. Why? Unfortunately, corporations have a lot of pull on our government and it’s common for corporate-friendly officers to get appointed to positions of power in the EPA. Remember Rick Perry? Corporate profits are taking precedent over human health, which means you have to protect yourself.

Even though the EPA won’t do its job, some local governments have taken leadership. For example, the Vermont Water Authority has instituted a limit of 20 parts per trillion. They have labeled PFAS as a potential immune hazard to humans based on studies done on animals.

How to Remove PFAS from Your Drinking Water

According to epa.gov, “The EPA has found ways to remove PFAS from drinking water. These effective technologies include activated carbon treatment, ion exchange resins, and high-pressure membranes, like nanofiltration or reverse osmosis.”

The good news is the filtration systems in our water ionizers, like the IonPlus Undersink Water Ionizer and the Genesis Steel Countertop Water Ionizer, utilize both activated carbon and ion exchange resin! That makes our alkaline water ionizers an effective treatment against PFAS.

The other main benefit of our water ionizers is that they create ionized water that is full of healthy antioxidants to help your body detoxify. Unless you live next to a glacial stream or pristine spring, this is the only way to restore antioxidants. You can’t bottle water’s natural antioxidant because it will fizzle out after two to three days once removed from its energy source, namely the sun.

PFAS are a serious health risk. Once they are in our groundwater or in your body, they can last there forever. So, protect your family from PFAS by limiting your exposure to products containing PFAS and removing them from your drinking water using activated carbon and ion exchange resin filtration. The EPA won’t protect you but you can protect yourself!

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Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

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