Water Ionizer Manufacturers Versus Assemblers

EOS Water Ionizers are Manufactured

The two pictures below show components inside the EOS Genesis Platinum 9 water ionizer clearly manufactured by EOS.

eos water ionizers
Most water ionizer companies shop around to find manufactures to make parts for them. Therefore, you can’t really call them manufacturers. A more accurate label would be “assemblers.”
They start their business by purchasing a design from a water ionizer research and development company. These designs are usually copies of existing models with maybe one or two enhancements. Or, they are simply outdated designs.

Next, these water ionizer assemblers shop around to buy parts in bulk to make as many water ionizers as they can at the lowest cost. This maximizes their profits. But once their supply of these parts gets low or runs out, they stop promoting that water ionizer model and begin promoting a new water ionizer.

Water Ionizer Assemblers Leave Their Customers High and Dry

The problem with this water ionizer assembler strategy has to do with warranty. Two or three years after the assembler’s water ionizer comes out, their water ionizers will start to run down and break and customers will need new parts.

But, since the asssmbled water ionizer is now outdated, the water ionizer assembler has no interest in purchasing large amounts of parts for it like they did initially. That means they will spend way more for the parts to service their existing customers, if they can still get them, and they will pass those high costs on to their customers. Or, they will simply not be able to service their customers and will try to move them on to a new model. Worst case scenario they may not be able to help their customers at all.

The truth is, the majority of water ionizer assemblers have only lasted a few years. They released two or three water ionizer models when the economy was good and sales were brisk and have now closed shop or moved on to other products.

But EOS water ionizers have been around for over 15 years and are still servicing their old customers and releasing new models.

Water Ionizer Manufacturers are Better

eos water ionizer components
EOS makes their own parts, so they are always be able to service their customers, even years after purchase!
They do not rely on third party manufacturers and do not have to buy in bulk. Instead, they design and manufacturer the components needed for their water ionizers, which increases the quality of their water ionizer and also helps them keep the costs of the components low.
In terms of warranty, water ionizer manufacturers like EOS can always service their customers, even years after purchase, even after the warranty has run out. They can always provide parts at a reasonable cost so that your water ionizer can last several years instead of just two or three.

In searching for water ionizers, you may find some flashy water ionizers that seem to offer more initially at a lower cost that EOS water ionizers. But, if that flashy water ionizer only lasts two or three years, is it really a better price or better value? No.

It is best to purchase a water ionizer with longevity in mind. You want your water ionizer to last as long as possible with the fewest problems. It makes sense to purchase a water ionizer from a water ionizer manufacturer like EOS because they design all of the parts for their products, which ensures everything will work together just right. A water ionizer manufacturer like EOS can also commit to their customers years and years after purchase to be able to service all problems at a low cost.

A water ionizer manufacturer like EOS creates better performing, higher quality water ionizers that will last a long time and keep producing the best antioxidant ionized water for you and your family.  They provide value and quality that a water ionizer assembler simply cannot match.

To your health!


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Webinar: Why is Ionized Water Better?

Webinar:  Why is Ionized Water Better?

Reverse osmosis? Carbon filter? Distiller? Find out why a water ionizer is better! Join Alderin Ordell, owner of Water for Life USA, as he explains pH, ORP, antioxidants in water, the history of water ionizers, and even what the experts have to say about the health benefits of ionized water.

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