Water Ionizer Reviews are Fake
If you’re comparing water ionizers looking for the right one to purchase for you and your family, the first thing you should know is that ALL water ionizer reviews websites are fake. By fake we mean that they are not independently owned. They are owned by existing US water ionizer distributors and are, therefore, biased and unreliable.
Fake Water Ionizer Reviews by Tyent USA
Ionizerresearch.com is owned and operated by Tyent USA.
Ionizerresearch.com is really deceptive to the American consumer. If you search for water ionizers on Google or YouTube, you’ll find advertisements that Tyent USA has purchased on Ad Choice where they declare the Tyent water ionizers the “2014 water ionizers of the year!” as evaluated by ionizerreasearh.com. Funny, EOS water ionizers were never evaluated for such a distinction! Ironically, Tyent water ionizers win this “award” year after year after year. You’ll also notice that all of the Tyent models are rated 5 stars. They just can’t find anything bad to say!
What’s even worse is that on the ionizerresearch homepage, there is a quote from waterionizer.com, also owned by Tyent USA, that calls ionizerreasearch.com “the Consumer Reports for water ionizers!” So, Tyent has created another fake review website to evaluate their ionizerresearch.com website as being as good as Consumer Reports. What a joke!
Tyent owns yet another fake water ionizer reviews website called alkalinewater.com that again declares the Tyent water ionizer the best and is quoted on ionizerresearch.com as saying that ionizerreasearch.com is the “#1 resource website!”
You can draw you own conclusions about all of this deception but, in our opinion, any company that goes to such great lengths to deceive their customers cannot be trusted! And it seems they are afraid to simply be honest, which means they have much to hide. If you search for Tyent USA on the Better Business Bureau website, you’ll find several complaints against them. Why? Because dishonest companies don’t take care of their customers!
Fake Water Ionizer Reviews by Life Ionizers
Life Ionizers has their own fake
water ionizer reviews website called alkalinewaterionizerreviews.com. They, too, just can’t seem to find anything negative to say about Life Ionizers, always giving their models 5 stars, and they give all other water ionizers less than 5 stars. What’s even more despicable is that they have created waterionizerexpert.com, toll free number prominantly displayed, as a sales portal for Life Ionizers. So, if you have any questions about water ionizers, just give waterionizerexpert.com a call, and they’ll tell you why Life Ionizers are the best.
Also, if you give up your name and email address, they’ll email you a guide that explains why Life Ionizers are the best along with everything you need to know to place your order.
If you click on the “about us” page, they don’t even give themselves a fake name. You won’t find any address or name of a person to contact. They just call themselves “a team of experts with over 19 years of experience.” You would think that any careful consumer would want to know the name of the group that’s evaluating all of these water ionizers. But, nobody seems to think to ask. They just see the stars and click on the one with the most stars.
Surely, if alkalinewaterionizerreviews.com was an independent, honest, and trust worthy site, they would explain why. But they don’t. Instead, they hide, they deceive, they make money with dishonesty, and you, the poor American consumer, are left with a low quality water ionizer from a sketchy company.
Obviously, this deceptive advertisting and manipulation of American consumers works, that’s why Tyent and Life aren’t the only ones. Yep, here’s a fake water ionizer reviews website from Alkaviva…
Fake Water Ionizer Reviews by Alkaviva (IonWays, Jupiter)
Waterionizersreviewed.com is a fake water ionizer reviews website by Alkaviva and it isn’t anything different from the others. They give themselves the most stars, give all of their competitors less stars, make sure you know how to order. And you can give them your email and name and they’ll send your their propaganda guide to sell you on the Alkaviva brand.
The only thing that makes this website stand out from the others is that they are honest about who they are in the “about us” page. They state that they are Alkaviva dealers. Does that now make it okay for them to give biased reviews of all their competitors? That’s up to you to decide. How about just displaying the facts about your company and product and leave out the commentary about your competitors? That seems like the most honest path and that’s what you’ll find with Water for Life USA.
If you’d like to read a water ionizer comparison report and see how EOS water ionizers distributed by Water for Life USA compare to all of these other companies, please visit: https://waterforlifeusa.com/compare-water-ionizers
To your health!