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There’s a whole industry out there that’ll tell you that all you need to do is filter your water to make it healthy. Don’t believe them! It takes way more than water filtration to make water healthy and here’s why.
Water filtration is a huge industry. They will sell you anything from simple carbon filters, to multi-stage ceramic filters, to filters that target specific contaminants like fluoride. You can even buy home reverse-osmosis systems, which strip your water of everything.
The result is that, to varying degrees, these water filtration systems will purify your drinking water. That means that they will remove contaminants like chlorine and sediment. But just filtering out these contaminants is not enough to make your water healthy.
Water is healthiest to drink when it’s in a natural state. If you analyze the water from natural water sources like glacial streams and pristine springs you will find several common qualities. One quality is that the healthiest natural water is alkaline.
The alkalinity comes from naturally occurring alkaline minerals like calcium and potassium. It also comes from the alkaline chemical water structure that is created by natural water electrolysis.
Natural water electrolysis is caused by the sun. The sun energizes the water with ions, which reduces the size of the water molecule clusters to an alkaline structure. The extra ions are a powerful antioxidant for our bodies!
The alkalinity, healthy minerals, and antioxidants of natural water cannot be replicated by simply filtering your water. In fact, when you purify your drinking water with a system like reverse osmosis, you are creating very unhealthy drinking water. Reverse-osmosis water has been stripped of all of its natural minerals leaving it in an acidic state. This acidity, about 1000 times more acidic than your own blood, will damage your body over time!
Water filters cannot replicate natural water, but water ionizers can. Water ionizers use targeted multi-stage filtration systems to remove the worst contaminants from your drinking water. Then they use water electrolysis to replicate the sun’s natural process to create alkalinity and healthy antioxidants.
It only takes about three days for all of the natural ions in water to fizzle out. So anything that you drink from your tap or from a bottle is dead, stagnant water.
The only way to drink natural, healthy water is to drink it straight from the source or by using a water ionizer. Most of us do not live next to a pristine spring or glacial stream, so water ionizers are our best option!
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