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Like air and food, water is extremely important for your body. Human embryo contains 80% of water, a body of a newborn has about 74% of water and adult’s body is composed of about 70% water.
People can live several months without food. Humans will survive only few days without water. Dehydration can result in serious negative consequences for human health. You should always drink enough water for normal body functioning.
Water boosts metabolism. It stimulates enzymatic and chemical reactions. Drink as much water as possible during perspiration. Water promotes cooling and helps you control your body temperature.
Insufficient water intake makes fat, toxins and waste products accumulate in your body. It can pose serious health risks.
Water plays a key role in blood circulation system of a human body. Water lubricates joints. It provides a blood system with oxygen and nutrients.
Water is also essential for the respiratory system. If you drink enough water your lungs will be moist, inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide properly. Approximately one pint of water is lost by exhaling during a day. A lot of water is also lost during the excretion and perspiration. People should drink enough water to compensate these loses.
The quality of water also matters. Tap water flows through the pipes and may contain harmful chemicals such as benzene, bromate, chlorine, fluoride and lead. These hazardous elements may cause various diseases.
Drink high quality ionized water produced by EOS Revelation 2 TURBO Undersink Water Ionizer. The water that goes through the water filtration system is free of hazardous chemicals. Due to its restructured hexagonal molecular structure alkaline water is easily absorbed by your body. Ionized water contains hydroxyl ions, which are a powerful antioxidant. They neutralize acidic waste effectively. Maintain good health. Drink ionized water.